A tour of Fellanor
At the start of The Virgin Dragon, you are introduced to a land called Fellanor. If you have studied the maps, you may have seen it already as an island to the far side of Arnoria.
In fact, it is just one large island nation within the Kelligen Isles.
The Kelligens are known for their piracy and pillaging. They have developed a bad reputation for launching attacks upon the eastern lands of Arnoria and Ernos.
Fellanor, with its fertile soil and mild climate, stands out as a nation in the archipelago that has a refined and peaceful culture.
While small towns and villages are scattered throughout the greenery, there are several settlements that have become larger cultural waypoints for those living there.
North Beach
As soon as the weather warms, Fellanorians head to this beach town for the community and to celebrate the planting season. Parties will continue until late at night, and many famed bards say this is where they got their start.
West Gulf
All trade with Arnoria comes through the gulf. It is also the primary location for the Fellanorian navy. Some complain about West Gulf, that the inhabitants spend too much time looking westward when they should focus on the nation. Others say that the valuable goods brought in separate them from the abhorrent Kelligens.
South Port
During the colder, darker months of winter, young people flock to this small city. Torches are lit at night and mages cast spells to turn the flames into every color imaginable. These raving parties can last until dawn, when they begin to feel hungover.
East Village
East Village has a growing community of artisans who are attracted to the natural beauty of the region. Flowers, fruits, and clovers grow in abundance. Every morning villagers are awoken by the sounds of migrating birds who make this their home every spring.
Central City
Finally, Central City is the main hub connecting all of Fellanor together. People live in small flats and travel by horse. The color of the horse indicates their winding path through the city, helping them determine how to reach their destination. Its density has allowed many small businesses to thrive.
Fellanor was once part of the Arnorian kingdom. After the War of Wrath, as the kingdom was forced to rebuild, the people of Fellanor revolted and became independent.
At the start of The Virgin Dragon, we see a new threat to their freedom as a tyrant wishes to take control for himself. What happens when Dorian gets involved? You’ll have to read to find out.