1-Line Wednesday | September 13
“For these crimes, you have been judged unwelcome in our society and have been sentenced to banishment in accordance with our laws and customs. By the authority granted by the city of Dhabi, I will enforce this sentence.”
The judge nodded to the guards stationed at the gate. The armored men and women approached the gate entrance and pulled down on a large, thick rope. The door to the gate began to lift into the air. A burst of wind blew from outside, causing dust to get into Iago’s eye. He rubbed it, but found he couldn’t get the sand out. In fact, it felt as if it was burrowing deeper into his eye.
The guards started to push the two convicted criminals toward the open door. Iago tried to fight back, but his arms and legs were shackled.
Iago is arrested and sentenced to banishment. Where does he go afterwards? This may seem like the end, but is only just the beginning of his story.
You can read the whole story in “The Isolated Vizier” now available on Amazon.