1-Line Wednesday | April 10
"Two hundred years Daeron, you know what that means," Alassë said with a sly grin on her face.
"Oh, I had hoped we would stop doing this," Daeron said with a playful tone of being exasperated, knowing what to expect.
For this special occasion, fruits were imported from the south for dessert. Everything glowed brilliantly from the candlelight on the dining table, making them look more appetizing.
A string quartet entered the room with their instruments. They took their seats at the far end of the dining room table, against the wall. Behind them, the king’s banner draped down the stone wall. With the lead of the violinist, they started to play a classical folk tune.
King Daeron celebrates his two hundredth birthday, which is not old for elves. However, a young Hérion feels bored by the festivities and is eager for his own adventure. Where does he go? And what does he do? You’ll have to read The Feckless King to find out.